
The objective of the activity is to develop and test a demonstrator of a frequency coordination system that manages access to spectrum among different non-geostationary satellite systems. The concept will be implemented and tested as a real-time emulator to be developed as part of the activity.Targeted improvements: Improving the achievable throughput by 50% with respect to partitioning the frequency band.Description:The increasing number of commercial and institutional initiatives based on NGSO communication systems poses serious issues of coexistence. Analyses have shownthat some level of coordination between NGSO operators, even limited to dynamic exchange of frequency usage over the globe, allows improving drastically thecoexistence possibilities. Such data are typically sensitive for satellite operators, as somehow, they could give an indication of the distribution of the customers or even some clue about the technologies used. Furthermore, allowing distributed decision making, that is leaving it to the operators themselves, might prove inefficientif not impossible.To solve this problem, this activity will develop a prototype of an independent frequencycoordination management system for NGSO constellations. The prototype will receive requests of frequencies in certain areas by the different operators and based on filings rights and fairness criteria will respond either approving, denying or proposing alternative frequencies. The fairness criteria will be developed as part of the activity. The concept and its operations will be implemented and tested in a real-time emulator with at least two large NGSO constellations. A key output of the activity will be determining the minimum amount of information required from operators to achieve effective frequency coordination and sharing.

Tender Specifics