Content Creator Platform for Satellite Broadband

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In the recent years, we witnessed two revolutions on the technology business: the first, with the launch of the iPhone, mobile phones are no longer calling and texting devices with some embedded extra features (such as calculators and email) and became closer to computers with text processors, media players, cameras and navigation systems; the second, with the launch of Facebook, computers and the Internet have become a friendlier environment for people to interact with and, thereafter, to use these new channels to share experiences of their lives with others.

These two facts changed people’s routine and, also, what is expected from most of the devices used by them. One of the next devices to be revolutionized is the television.
Big TV manufacturers and telecoms are already changing the way people interact with televisions. Mostly investing on 3D technology, gesture-based input, applications and content on demand. So, computers, mobile phones and television will become more similar to each other.
Based on this context, this project aims to fulfil the following user needs:
  • Allow non-technical users create applications for satellite-connected interactive televisions using the content creator software.
  • Preview & test applications during development.
  • Publish applications on the application store.
  • Download applications from the application store.
  • Browse applications on the iTV application store.
  • Filter applications by categories or search keywords.

Content Creator

click for larger image

iTV Application Store
Based in the existing partnerships with Satellite operators (SES and Avanti), the product developed in the project covers the whole European continent:

Coverage area

click for larger image

The following issues are tackled during the project requirement analysis:
  • Customized highly-available system;
  • Integration to the existing satellite broadband infrastructure;
  • Efficient caching mechanisms.

 The expected benefits brought by the project are:

  • Enhanced experience in developing software;
  • New communications infrastructure able to serve satellite broadband over remote European regions;
  • Economy of scale.
There are 2 main processes that are addressed in this project:
Process 1 – Content creator: used by personnel who want to create, develop and deploy application, with associated content
  • User subscribes to the satellite broadband service.
  • User registers their terminal informing payment details and contact information.
  • User designs an application using the content creator.
  • User clicks on ‘Publish’ button and is prompted with the password to purchase the application.
  • Product is deployed to the application store.
  • User receives a receipt by e-mail.
Process 2 – Application store: used by personnel who want to buy the deployed application 
  • User subscribes to the satellite broadband service.
  • User registers their terminal informing payment details and contact information.
  • User browses applications available on the store.
  • User clicks on ‘Download’ button and is prompted with the password to purchase the application.
  • The user acquires product.
The system runs on top of a satellite broadband network. All communication transactions are handled by the HTTP protocol.
The system is designed to maximize performance using compression and caching algorithms.
High level System Architecture
The project is organised in two successive stages.
Stage 1 covers the initial commercial feasibility analysis, together with the user and system requirements analysis.

Stage 2 consists of the implementation of the pilot system in association to a series of trials to be performed first in a lab set up, then into operational environments across Ireland, in collaboration with SES and Avanti.

Current status

The project is currently on Stage 2: The Baseline Design Review was finalized and its deliverables were accepted. The software development activities associated with the project are progressing. Currently, the team is working in the latest adjustments in the software for the Laboratory Tests and Pilot Utilization stages. In parallel, the necessary documents for the realization of the Critical Design Review are being prepared.