6G is the sixth generation of mobile communication networks currently under standardisation and development.

The 6G era is expected to meet extraordinary requirements in our global economy due to the continuous need for technological evolution. 6G will lead to new IoT and AI services that will be harnessed on social and environmental topics achieving a large-scale sustainable impact and disruptive technological advances in society.

Additionally, the convergence of satellite and terrestrial communications will assume to provide an unrivalled user experience through seamless hyper-connectivity with the key approach of providing unlimited, ultra-fast, and ubiquitous communications.

Sustainability for 6G” and “6G Challenges

6G is projected to become a fundamental building block in the development of a prosperous future for recent and coming generations. The 6G era will give rise to hundreds of new services and enhance the capabilities of existing technologies, allowing them not only to improve our individual lives but also to perpetuate environmental goals with the firm intention of leaving an ecological footprint.

Sustainability will be an inherent pillar of 6G, as evidenced by goals including bridging the digital divide, ensuring quality education, sustainable cities, and clean energy; this requires a more interconnected environment. This will only be possible when exploiting future 6G terrestrial and satellite converged networks to support sustainability.

6G Challenges

In order to optimise the performance and development of 6G networks and consequently leading to revolutionary new services, a number of clear challenges facing communication technologies have to be addressed. Key challenges such as the integration of EHF and THz frequency bands in 6G communications, which have always been limited by high penetration losses due to obstacles, water vapour or even oxygen, will result in a new complex 6G network architecture. 

The solid integration of satellite communications, which specially suffer from these high propagation losses, will mean a difficult task for experts in terms of reaching long distances, indoor receivers, possible delays, or weather issues. Nevertheless, there are numerous studies focused on strengthening future networks by facing these challenges. Hence, technologies such as Massive MIMO or Beamforming will play an essential role in the standardisation and development of 6G to face the challenges posed by this future network.

Download the 6G white paper here





Space for 5G Space for 6G Space for 5G/6G